Friday, July 31, 2009

You must love yourself before you love another . By accepting yourself and fully being what you are , your simple presence can make others happy .

I believe that this quote is the most truthful thing . We shouldn't have to change , Or alter ourselves just to make others happy , Or to impress Others .
We should simply be who we are , But most importantly , Be who we want .
I think I've finally realized that we don't live to impress other people . We simply live to make ourselves happy , And pursue what we want in life .
But it seems that In today's day and age , It's not a matter of being who you want to be , But being what you think others would approve of . It's pretty lame , If you ask me .
We don't always have to be Glam , "Hot" , or Cool . We should be what makes us happy .
& I think that being pure , & Being yourself is the best beauty of them all . <3

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live .

I have to say ; That quote couldn't be anymore true .
Until yesterday ; I was pretty much deathly afraid of RollerCoasters . My friend invited me to go with her , A guy friend , And her other girl friend that shares the same fear with I  .

I would only like to say ; I am happy that she did Force me to go on the RollerCoasters , Because not only have I faced my GreatestFear , But I Love RollerCoasters . 

All I want to say ; Is Thank You BestFriend<3

Friday, July 24, 2009

Life is a roller coaster, you have your ups and downs unless you fall off .

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Then in my case , I'll be falling off .

A few days ago , I was invited to go to SixFlags with my friend .
& I think I might spew . I'm so afraid of roller coasters , And heights .

But she let me know ; That I'm going to be forced to go on all of the rides . God help me .

If I die , Take what you want ..<3

I never thought a role model should be negative.

Of course , No one thinks Role Models should be negative . They should be positive , pure , and nice to everyone .

These days , Many girls look up to women such as Paris Hilton , Lindsay Lohan , Miley Cyrus , and many more women like that . These several women All have such big influences on all teenage girls in not only America ; But all around the world . Truth is ; These women are Stuck up , and only care about themselves .

This is only my opinion ; But I only see a few candidates who make great rolemodels for todays Teenage Girls . Amanda Bynes , Drew Barrymore , Selena Gomez , and Demi Lovato . I may not be interested in some of these girls personally , But they're not out every night , Partying , Getting Drunk , Doing Drugs , And providing bad examples for young girls . They all seem to want to take part in providing good examples for every girl in this world .

Why can't other 'Famous' Women just learn to control themselves , And maybe show a little maturity ?

If there is anything in the world more annoying than having people talk about you, it is certainly having no one talk about you.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic As that quote couldn't be any more true .
In todays society , All that anyone ever cares about is popularity . Being on top ; And being the best . But the truth is , You can't get to the top just by starting drama , Rumors , And hurting people along the way . But that seems to be what everyone thinks .
I can say that I once knew someone who was the sweetest thing on Earth , But she turned into one of these girls . & I'm embarrassed to say for a while , When she was a new girl , I was friends with her . & I regret it . All she ever did was treat me like crap , Tell me lies , & If we went to a party - She would immediatley ditch me .

But I'm now proud to say that I'm Not her friend anymore .

I'm not another one of "Them" .

So many girls around the world are probably suffering the same way that I did . And believe it or not -
We don't have to put up with it .
That's the thing that's hardest for these girls to believe . We think it will all get better , But no . It doesn't . It gets Worse . And Harder to deal with these people . And eventually , We get fed up with all that crap and we stand up for ourselves . Sometimes these girls might jus ' laugh at you , But if you stand up for yourself with enough Confidence , Respect , and Justice , These girls will realize , That you're done with all their Jokes , Lies , & Crap .

If you've ever been through a situation like this , I am truly sorry .
All girls in today's society need to learn one thing -
The only people worth fighting for , Are the people who would do anything for you .